We've finished up our Pre-Adoption classes. The six weeks flew by and we are so happy that we were able to take the course...we'll write up the summary's for the last couple of courses soon.
Hobbes died...and we've been dealing with it, I don't think we realized the effect of having a sick dog had on us. We worried a lot about him, and about each other; we worried about knowing when to make the right decision for him and now, we're tired.
Eric has been sick with sinusitis and a bad cough for almost a month now...he's finishing up some antibiotics (which don't seem to be helping), so I think he'll be off to the clinic again to see what they think should be the next step to help him get better
We've been gardening...and planting new grass! We had a dump truck full of earth to move and spread over our entire property and then we re-seeded the lawn. The grass was in dire need. The new grass has grown in nicely...we still have some pesky weeds...but we're working on them. Our garden is growing nicely, we've had so much rain in the past few weeks that the garden is actually growing out of control! We've already begun to eat some beans and lettuce, and we've been using the fresh herbs...there's nothing like it! We also planted a perennial garden in the front of the house...there were no plants there and it looked so bare! I like how it turned out and can't wait for next year to see how the plants will fill in. We also need to finish fencing in the yard. The previous owners didn't close in the fence (?!) so we need to put up a gate and install a section of fence. While we were digging the holes for the fence posts we decided that we would also gate off the side of the house (I'll have to post pictures) and put in a small shaded patio area. So we put in the fence posts, and now we need to put in the fence and then we'll work on the patio area.
We were supposed to have a beach day on the 24th (St-Jean Baptiste Holiday), but the weather didn't cooperate, so we had a BBQ instead at a friend's house. It turned out to be a fun day and we were able to enjoy the town's fireworks from their yard while sitting by the fire.
My mom has two birthdays...according to her mom, she was born on June 26th, but according to the (Nova Scotia) government, she was born on June 23rd...so we celebrated both...just to be sure ;) On the 23rd, we had some friends come over for cake and ice cream...and on the 26th, we planned a (sort of) surprise party. We told her that my brother and his family was coming over in the afternoon...we neglected to tell her that we had invited more people to the party. She had surprise after surprise all afternoon while the guests arrived...It was so fun to see her face!
On the adoption front, not much is new, we haven't had any news and there are many families who have passed or who are close to passing the 24 month waiting time. It is discouraging to know that things are moving so slowly and we don't know why. I am trying to stay hopeful, but at the same time, I am preparing myself that it is entirely possible that we too will pass the 24 month waiting period.