Friday, November 5, 2010

Pre/Post Adoption Support Group - Meeting #2

Tonight was the second pre/post adoption support group. We have been having a hard time dealing with the extended wait times, and tonight we shared some of what we were feeling. I found it particularly refreshing and was somewhat emotional to be in a room with a dozen other pre&post adoptive parents and a social worker... when I talked, I felt like they listened, and not just listened, but that they heard me... there was an empathy that comes from having lived through similar situations that touched me deeply. I went into the group feeling rather low (as I have been for most of this month) however, when I left, I felt somehow more uplifted. I will be forever grateful for the people in the group... they (and you, my friends) have encouraged me more than they could ever know.


The dB family said...

Praying you will hear something very soon!


Agnes said...

You are always in my prayers, Tammy! And when I get to the ICAB office, I will not forget to mention that there are many loving families like you waiting for their child. :-)

Tam-A-Roo said...

Thank you so much!
...Agnes...such a nice thought!

Jennifer said...

Isn't it amazing how the people you meet while waiting to adopt your child are some of the nicest, most wonderful, most supportive people ever? It's so nice to come in contact with others who have been through the same emotions and "get it." So glad you had a good meeting - and I hope the wait is just about over for you so your little one is home soon!

Mélissa said...

c'est toujours super de pouvoir se confier et d'avoir le point de vue des autres. Nous espèrons tous que vous aurez votre propositions bientôt. Le support que les autres nous apportent est merveilleux.